体験談 下山静香 ピアニスト



また、体幹が強くなり、日常生活での様々な場面で楽になったほか、何よりも楽器が弾きやすくなりました。具体的に言うと、腰から下の安定感、足の床面とのコンタクト、上半身の動きの自由さ、その上で得られる全身の有機的なつながり… それらすべてが演奏にいい影響を与えるということがわかったのです。


Soon after I had taken up Yozen training last year, I found my body has changed.

My sensitivity to the cold was significantly alleviated.

I used to be so sensitive to the cold before that in the winter time my fingers had been awfully frigid to start playing piano.

But I didn’t even need my gloves this winter.

I think this happened because my blood circulation was improved.

Also I feel my core body was strengthened  greatly and every aspect of my daily life, above all my piano playing became easier.

 I realized that the stability of lower body and the contact of the feet to the ground, freedom of upper body,

 organic connection of the whole body,

all of these influences music performance in favor.

Not only the change of my internaI sensation, I get better reviews about the change of the sound of my playing itself.

Seemingly I became able to bring out the best sound available of the instrument without efforts.

I feel that practicing only a few of the yozen excises before a recital improves my performance.

So I will continue to explore further possibilities.
